What is CMYK/ PMS Colors?

CMYK color is CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW & BLACK colors, Each color print from a separate plate in layers tocreate colors, CMYK is also known as four colors.PMS stands for Pantone Matching system, PMS also known as special colors, PiMS colors are assigned specifccodes for ink mixing. A palette of fourteen basic colors are used to […]

How do l make sure how the product look like once produced?

Usually we do work on digital proofs with 2D & 3D view for approval so that makes everything clear what exactly thebox will look like once it is produced and assembled. And for large orders we send a physical box to make sureeverything should be printed as per requirements.

What will you do for quality control?

When manufacturing and before shipping,the cargos will be strictly inspected by QC team and well packed. If the items are damaged when you receive it,or if you are not satisfied with the items, please contact us as soon as possible. If the problems are resulted from our party,we will accept return, then arrange replacement or […]

Can you help with the design?

Yes,we have professional designers, design service for free. If you can provide artwork or pictures ,please send us in file format :cdr ,eps ,jpg , ai , psd ,pdf.